Forma Studio

Forma works with the design of buildings, cities, and public spaces, primarily focusing on new construction and transformation of residential, commercial, and cultural buildings, as well as smaller master planning and landscape projects.

Their approach is rooted in historical cultural heritage with a focus on sustainable construction practices, fine craftsmanship, and the use of biobased materials. They believe that good architecture should be judged based on aesthetics, durability, quality, and consideration for its environmental impact.

Therefore, Forma also works on the preservation, renovation, and revitalization of architecturally and historically significant buildings and cultural environments, including protected and listed buildings, churches, and more.

The firm was established in 2022 and is run by partners and architects MAA Mikkel Bøgh and Nicolai Richter-Friis.

Studio Profile —

Forma Ventures

When suitable, Forma is structured to have a vested interest as a co-founder or co-owner in new ventures.

We can build and organize the team or engage as part of the team, either creating a new venture or product from the ground up or aiding in a spin-out, leveraging our startup playbook and communication and strategy services.

Ventures are typically tied to the construction industry and include real-estate investment and development, residential concepts, software, etc.

Contact —


Otto Mønsteds Gade 5
1571 København


(+45) 53 53 99 92

CVR no.

43 23 20 88

People —

Anders Liisberg

Architect MAA
(+45) 23 29 35 20

Aske Hartje Jakobsen


Andreas Bøwig Thostrup

Arkitekt MAA
(+45) 53 53 99 92

Anne-Sofie Dalgas

Architect M.Arch
(+45) 53 53 99 92

Benjamin Béboux

Junior Architect

Blanche Tauzin

Architect, Office Manager
(+45) 53 53 99 92

Frederik Moesgaard Jacobsen

Constructing Architect

Henrik Christensen

Architectural Technologist, DGNB
(+45) 53 53 99 92

Inna Tiagai

Architect M.Arch
(+45) 53 53 99 92

Julius Puttkammer

Architect M.Arch
(+45) 50 31 92 46

Mikkel Bøgh

Partner, Architect MAA
(+45) 23 45 54 32

Nicolai Richter-Friis

Partner, Architect MAA, DGNB
(+45) 26 18 77 74

Employment & Internships —


We are always welcoming unsolicited applications from talented and ambitious individuals who are passionate about making a positive contribution to our built and planted environment.

Please submit you resume and a selection of works to

We review all applications on a bi-weekly basis and store relevant applications for a maximum period of 6 months after which they are deleted.

Please only submit information formatted for screen viewing in .pdf format not exceeding 10 Mb in size.

Open positions

We do not have any vacancies at the moment.


We are always looking for talented students to join our team.

We accept 1-2 interns during the spring and the fall semester, which run from August through January and from February through June (dates are flexible).

We currently do not offer summer internships.

To apply please submit your portfolio here.

Clients —